Thursday, October 21, 2010

Parasola plicatilis

Amanita jacksonii

Volvariella bombycina

"Whiffle Ball Stinkhorn"

Stinkhorns love wood chip mulch. Most people want to know how to kill them, but I don't understand why (well, they DO STINK!). I think they are kinda cute! They are not harmful. They are saprophytes that break down organic matter, including wood chips. They have a mutualistic relationship with flies, which help spread the spores to your neighbor's garden.

Armillaria mellea

Armillaria mellea

The shaggy mane mushroom, also known as the "lawyer's wig."

Coprinus comatus, the shaggy mane mushroom, also known as the "lawyer's wig." It is a delicious edible mushroom

Inky caps are fascinating mushrooms. They are saprobes, assisting in the decomposition of wood, dung, grassy debris, forest litter, and so on. Most of the species have black spore prints and gills that liquefy, at least partially, as the mushroom matures. The resulting "ink" provides the common name for the inky caps, and can actually be used as writing ink.

Angel's wing

Wednesday, October 20, 2010